These are some of the fun side projects that I completed.
Go ahead and click on the links to get more information!
Udemy: Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp
Coursera: Data Science Specialization (in R)
Udemy: Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp
911 Calls Data Capstone Project
Finance Project
Linear Regression Project
Logistic Regression Project
K Nearest Neighbors Project
Decision Trees and Random Forest Project
Support Vector Machines Project
K Means Clustering Project
NLP (Natural Language Processing) Project
Tensorflow/Keras Project
Coursera: Data Science Specialization (in R)
Regression Models Course Project
Practical Machine Learning Project
Shiny Application Demonstration
My GitHub Profile
My LinkedIn Profile
Side Projects
Data Science Portfolio
PRocess MONitor (PRMON)
Contact Me